Richmond Rainbow Pride maintains this website, an official Facebook page, and a Facebook group. On our website and official FB page, we announce sponsored events. Sponsored events are approved by the RRP Board. Our board members attend and we promote them on other media. To find out how to get your LGBTQI event sponsored, please contact us.
The RRP Page on Facebook can be followed by "liking" the page. It announces our own and our partners' LGBTQI events once they have been approved by the Board. People following this page will receive all of our announcements but cannot post events on their own. For that, we have a FB group.
Our FB Group announces all of the above as well as non-partner LGBTQI events happening around the East Bay. It is a closed group, meaning that one joins after requesting approval. Any group member can post events. We encourage our FB group members to post LGBTQI events.