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Retreat Agenda

8:00 Setup: Signage, breakfast, paper pad and projector setup


8:30 Help people get to retreat location and greet them


9:00 Welcome, breakfast and mingling among Board members. Introductions and icebreaker with board members and attendees.


9:15 Overview of the mission, history and current goals of RRP with timeline - Cesar


9:30 Committee chairs introduce committees with one-page handout


10:00 RRP’s Programming - introduction to RRP’s events with handout - BK
Individual quickwrite: How is the mission of RRP advanced through each event?

Small group work: Report back. Board members choose an event to work on


11:00 Lunch

Guests leave after lunch and after having identified an event/ committee on which to work, give this sheet to BK


11:30 How to access our website’s Board page - Rebeca


11:45 Icebreaker question to discuss on 2nd half of lunch facilitated by _________


12:00 Preparing for 2019. Whole group discussion needs a facilitator: ___________
A timekeeper ___________ and a scribe ____________


Each Board member gets a sheet in which to respond:

  • How are RRP’s goals advancing through each committee/event?

  • Is there something we need to be doing in each committee or event?  

  • What resources do we need?

  • Is there something we need to stop doing in each committee or event?


1:30 Bathroom and phone break


1:45 Looking ahead - small group discussion facilitated by ___________ Timekeeper________

Starts with a quickwrite:

Where do you see RRP in 5 years?

How will we get there?

What do we need to accomplish this

How does our vision tie to our current goals?


3:00 Evaluation and take-aways

3:30 Cleanup and breakdown

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